Potsdamer Mitte, Block III – Construction of two residential buildings, Potsdam
On Potsdam’s Old Market Square, near St. Nicholas Church and the Staudenhof, a new project called “Potsdamer Mitte, Block II” is being built by the Housing Association “Karl Marx” Potsdam eG. Within this ensemble, zanderroth is realizing two buildings featuring residential and commercial space.
This building, located on Friedrich-Ebert-Strasse 1-2, is a confidently urban residential and commercial structure situated between two historicist neighbors. Before 1945, the two neighboring buildings shared a unified facade. The new building revisits this theme by making their contemporary duality visible in its own façade, while, at the same time, emphasizing what connects them. It’s organized with four flats per floor, with each standard story featuring two 2-room apartments facing the street and two 4-room apartments running around the back. The ground-floor zone will be used as one comprehensive commercial space.
This building is being constructed on calm Schwertfegerstrasse, a mediating presence in the fabric of the new old town—positioned between the grand corner building that juts confidently over Old Market Square and the shorter residential buildings on Schwertfegerstrasse. It’s organized with two flats per floor, with living rooms and kitchens facing the courtyard to the south, and bedrooms facing toward quiet Schwertfegerstrasse to the north. The upper floors have outdoor areas featuring balconies and loggias. The ground-floor commercial area, designed with an open floorplan available for a variety of uses, is accessible from the street and noteworthy for its tall ceiling height.
Planning/Realization: 2017-2024
Construction phases: 1-5
Residential units: 18
Parking spaces: 11
Client: Wohnungsgenossenschaft "Karl Marx" Potsdam eG