On the site of the former Böhmisches Brauhaus, in Berlin-Friedrichshain, between historic buildings and vaults, the new residential project 'Midtown' is being built - a residential development by zanderroth and the project developer Pandion AG. There will be 12,000 square meters of living space in almost 160 apartments with variable 2-4 room floor plans, 2 m deep loggias or open spaces and private gardens on the first floor.
More information about the project can be found here.
The symposium is held in German.
Die Dekarbonisierung im Bauwesen, insbesondere bei der Betonbauweise, stellt einen wichtigen Meilenstein auf den Weg zum nachhaltigen Bauen dar. Daher wird im Symposium "Die Zukunft des Bauens mit Beton" erörtert, wie nachhaltiges und klimafreundliches Bauen mit Zement und Beton bereits heute möglich ist und welche Strategien es für die Zukunft gibt. Christian Roth von zanderroth präsentiert drei Projekte aus Leichtbeton aus dem Portfolio des Büros.
InformationsZentrum Beton GmbH
Donnerstag, 05. Dezember 2024
09:30 - 12:30 Uhr
Das ausführliche Programm und Informationen zur Anmeldung findet man hier.
The conference is held in German.
Sascha Zander, zanderroth spricht zum Thema 'Sozialen Wohnungsbau neu denken' bei der 1. Regensburger Wohnbaukonferenz. Vielen Dank für die Einladung Florian Plajer (Planungs- und Baureferent, Regensburg)!
Unter dem Titel „WohnRAUM Regensburg: innovativ, leistbar, experimentell“ diskutieren wir mit Vertretern der Wohnungs- und Immobilienwirtschaft die aktuellen Herausforderungen und Chancen der Wohnraumentwicklung. Im Fokus stehen dabei innovative und bezahlbare Wohnkonzepte sowie zukunftsweisende Experimente im Wohnbau, die auf die Bedürfnisse einer wachsenden Stadt eingehen.
Die Konferenz ist Teil der Regensburger Wohnraumoffensive.
Weitere Infos findet man hier.
We are delighted about the Honorable Mention for our Berlin project th62 - Six townhouses on a former commercial site at the BDA Prize Berlin 2024. The residential building with almost 400 apartments was developed by SmartHoming GmbH and realized by UBM Development. The residential buildings are surrounded by a spacious landscaped garden and are characterized by the 'vertical gardens' with 2,460 plant troughs - many thanks to KUULA Landschaftsarchitekten.
The BDA Prize Berlin was awarded in 2024 and is aimed equally at architects and clients. This prize honors special architectural achievements in the city of Berlin. We would like to thank our team and the jury!
From December 16, 2024 to January 30, 2025, the nominated and award-winning projects will be exhibited in the BDA Gallery, Berlin.
More information about the project can be found here.
Today at Duktus, the lecture series at the Lübeck University of Applied Sciences: Christian Roth presents projects from the portfolio of zanderroth on the topic 'Condition: Place?'.
12. November 2024 6:30 pm
Atelier E31, Einsiedelstraße 6, Lübeck
A residential complex comprising seven buildings with 206 apartments is being built for Gemeinnuetzige Wohnungsbaugesellschaft Ingolstadt GmbH on Hans-Stuck-Strasse in Ingolstadt. One of these, house 3 - with 41 publicly subsidized rental apartments - is being realized by the Berlin office zanderroth.
More information about the project can be found here.
The 'Architecture guide Deutschland 2025' is out and our m17 residential building made of lightweight concrete is included. The project is a joint building project in the district of Berlin-Mitte with the project developers from Smart Homing, Berlin.
Find more informations about the project here.
In the BDA Container series, the guided tour of our lh24 - four residential buildings at Langhansstraße 24, Berlin-Weissensee will take place on Thursday, October 17, 2024 at 4 pm. Sascha Zander from zanderroth will guide through the new building, which is nearing completion.
Have a look at the project here.
zanderroth offers full-time internships to architecture students for a period of at least 6 months. We are seeking candidates with talent in architectural design and knowledge of CAD (ArchiCAD), Affinity and MS Office. 2 years of experience as a student is required.
We offer interesting, innovative residential projects, a friendly and highly motivated team, a pleasant working atmosphere in an office with a garden and cook.
Please send your CV and portfolio (max 10 MB) to bewerbung@zanderroth.de.
On September 1st, 2024 zanderroth celebrated its 25th anniversary. Christian Roth and Sascha Zander established the practice in 1999 in the former Bar Babette, Karl-Marx-Allee, Berlin. Their first residential building is the ly43 - Lychener Strasse in Berlin. Until today the team of zanderroth is engaged in residential architecture and is looking back on more than 30 completed projects. In 2005, zanderroth founded the Berlin-based project development company SmartHoming. To this day, the team of architects, landscape architects and project developers work together on challenging housing projects, urban planning studies and competitions.
Happy Birthday!
Where there is a lack of housing, there is a lack of quality of life. But what are contemporary residential buildings and what should they look like? What services do we need? How do we respond architecturally and urbanistically to new lifestyles and forms of coexistence in the cosmopolitan city? How do we deal with the existing housing estates and apartments? Which other areas and buildings can be activated and converted for residential purposes? How can urban planning and architecture help to ensure that everyone in Berlin can find suitable housing? What new strategies are there for creating housing? How can we prevent monofunctional, non-mixed housing estates? And what has priority ...?
Tuesday, 10.09.2024 | 7:30pm
Urania Berlin
Introduction: Christoph Wagner, Architektenkammer Berlin
Moderation: Robert Ide, Autor, Der Tagesspiegel
On stage:
David Eberhart, BBU Verband Berlin-Brandenburgischer Wohnungsunternehmen e.V.
Elisabeth Müller Innenarchitektur
Ricarda Pätzold, Deutsches Institut für Urbanistik
Sascha Zander, Architekt Berlin
Sebastian Bartels, Berliner Mieterverein e.V.
Free entry.
In response to the question "What ideas are there for the innovative design of floor plans in subsidized housing?", the Ministry of Urban Development and Housing of the City of Hamburg launched an competition in 2023, in which current social and technical issues were addressed.
The diverse results and approaches will be exhibited at the Hamburg Kreativ Gesellschaft's Jupiter premises in summer 2024. In its accompanying supporting program, the BDA Hamburg will take an in-depth look at changing housing needs and concrete architectural solutions.
Finn Warncke, 1st Chairman BDA Hamburg
"Housing options beyond the standard" - Dr. Gerd Kuhn, housing sociologist and urban researcher, Tübingen
"pionier"- Sascha Zander, architect BDA, zanderroth, Berlin
Thursday, July 11, 2024 / 7:00 pm
JUPITER, 3rd floor
Mönckebergstraße 2-4
20095 Hamburg
zanderroth and the landscape architects from friedburg & Co., Berlin receive recognition in the competition 'Neufreimann MU 1(7')in Munich.
The new quarter on the former Bayernkaserne site in Munich is characterized by metropolitan density in an orthogonal grid: MU 1(7) is a privileged special case - the volume, which is diagonally intersected by the Magistrale, is located directly on the town square and, with a height of 60 metres, gives it a frame and emphasis.
In addition to residential use, the building offers a social and cultural attraction with a library and a neighbourhood meeting place as well as a centre for the elderly and service centre - that is the task: a place as a home for hundreds of new residents of Neufreimann and at the same time a host for the entire district.
More information on the project can be found here.
Last week, the topping-out ceremony was held for the building at Langhansstrasse 24, Berlin. The residential building with 47 apartments is due to be completed next year. The building group project is being realized by zanderroth together with the project developers from SmartHoming and 100landschaftsarchitektur.
More information on the project can be found here.
‘Simply (re)build’
... is the motto of this year's Tag der Architektur 2024. Because how we build, rebuild and improve our cities, communities and neighbourhoods has a decisive influence on our future.
Almost 100 venues and 66 guided tours in 12 Berlin districts are on the programme for Tag der Architektur 2024. We will also join the programme with our residential project LANGHANS24 in Berlin's Weissensee. The architects from zanderroth and developers from SmartHoming will be on site to guide you through the project. Join the tour!
Guided tours on June 29, 2024, 2 pm and 4 pm
A brief note: We would like to draw your attention to the fact that the building project is still being finalised. Please note that access is not barrier-free and that you enter the construction site at your own risk.
Our project m17 in Berlin has been nominated for the DAM Prize 2024 by Deutsches Architekturmuseum in Frankfurt and JUNG. Wish us luck!
More information about the project can be found here.
The team zanderroth & friedburg & Co. Landschaftsarchitektur, Berlin wins the 2nd
Prize in the Singer Campus Competition in Würselen. We are very pleased!
Würselen is independent and lively, despite and also because of its proximity to the city of Aachen. The Singer Campus can strengthen the quality of the small town: more space inside and outside, short distances, traffic where necessary, more greenery and a lively neighborhood.
The “sewing machine” makes the Kalkhalde visible (directly from Kaiserstrasse) and easily accessible via stairs and elevator. It offers views as far as Aachen and is the starting point for Würselen's longest slide.
Find here more informations about the competition.
zanderroth wins 1st prize in the competition Rheinwiesen III, Mainz, Germany with the landscape architects from friedburg & co. The new residential neighbourhood is located directly on the Rhine. This is zanderroth's second project at Zollhafen Mainz.
More information about the project can be found here.
We cordially invite you to the opening of the exhibition da! Architektur in und aus Berlin 2024. For the 25th time, the Chamber of Architects is showing 60 outstanding projects in Berlin, Germany and around the world. These are exemplary projects that have been designed and realized by Berlin architects. zanderroth is showing the recently completed project m17 - a residential building made of lightweight concrete in Berlin.
March 15th 2024, 7 pm
Exhibition: March 16 - April 13th 2024
Opening hours: Mon-Sat 10 am – 7 pm
Exhibition space: Living Berlin, Kantstraße 17, 10623 Berlin
From March 12th to 15th zanderroth will be exhibiting at this years MIPIM 2024, the leading international real estate event in Cannes. We are happy to make an appointment on site - visit us at our booth: pr@zanderroth.de. We are looking forward to your visit!
MIPIM 2024: March 12th - 15th
Booth: R7.G38/18, German Pavilion, Palais des Festivals, Cannes
Find here more informations about the German Pavilion at MIPIM 2024.
m17 - the residential building made of lightweight concrete by zanderroth & SmartHoming
in the new Zement & Beton magazine.
Click here for the project.
m17 - the light weight residential project by zanderroth & SmartHoming
in the new DETAIL magazine.
Click here for the article (in german).
Our contribution in the 2-phase realization competition of the Kooperative Grossstadt eG in Neufreimann, Munich. Congratulations to all winners!
We are proposing an urban building block for Neufreimann-Munich, fully in line with the idea of the living European city and at the same time modular and serial in the sense of economical housing construction. The streets are spatially defined, the first floor zones with the HUB and outdoor spaces connect the building community with the neighborhood community.
Find more about the competition here.
In the east of Munich - in the popular Berg am Laim district - a new residential quarter is being built together with the project developers of UBM Development, Munich and friedburg & Co. Landschaftsarchitektur, Berlin. The result is a sustainable residential quarter in timber-hybrid construction that will create new living space for the city of Munich. Thanks to its design, it has a very pleasant quality of stay and offers an unusually high ecological standard.
You can find out more about the project here.
"In der Berliner Magazinstraße steht ein mehrgeschossiges Wohnhaus, das Zanderroth Architekten entworfen haben. Zwischen Hochhäusern und Altbauten verlängert es den bestehenden Blockrand und kommt im Inneren mit minimalistischen Details aus.
Letztlich handelt es sich bei dem Beispiel von Stadtverdichtung im Zentrum Berlins nicht um den so dringend benötigten »bezahlbaren Wohnraum«, aber, immerhin, um qualitätvolle, Preis-werte Architektur, die Maßstäbe für höhere Standards setzt."
(Falk Jaeger, 2023, Preiswürdig - und seinen Preis wert, German Architects)
"In drei komplett unterschiedlichen Kiezen in Berlin sind vor kurzem drei neue Baugruppenprojekte bezogen worden. Warum trotz Bauboom solche Baugruppen in der deutschen Hauptstadt immer noch den spannendsten Wohnungsbau entwickeln, erklärt unser Berlin-Korrespondent Florian Heilmeyer.
Die drei Berliner Baugruppen zeigen, was im Berliner Wohnungsbau möglich wäre, wenn es mehr Wille zur Gestaltung sowie Fantasie und Mut im Umgang mit heterogenen Stadträumen und ebensolchen Grundrisswünschen gäbe."
(Florian Heilmeyer, werk, bauen + wohnen, 12/2023)
We are celebrating the next big milestone in the Baugruppe lh24. The foundation stone was laid in the presence of residents, architects from zanderroth and developers from SmartHoming!
There are still 11 apartments available in the project! More information can be found here.
A residential complex featuring 206 units is being built on Hans-Stuck-Strasse in Ingolstadt, Germany for Gemeinnützige Wohnungsbaugesellschaft Ingolstadt GmbH. One of these — House 3, featuring 41 apartments — will be realized by zanderroth.
Find here more informations about the project.
zanderroth has won a honorable mention at the prestigious 2023 Berlin Architecture Prize. The distinction has been awarded to the m17 project — a contemporary tower block made of lightweight concrete that features 11 units, realized in the form of a building group.
This is the 15th project to result from the longtime collaboration between Berlin-based zanderroth and its office for project development, SmartHoming. Following the 2013 Berlin Architecture Prize, awarded to the project ze05, this represents the second Berlin Architecture Prize bestowed on one of their jointly realized building group projects.
The Berlin Architecture Prize, given to architects as well as developers since 1992, is awarded to exemplary projects whose architectural quality, creative force, and technical innovation enhances the sustainable design of Berlin as a space for urban living.
Find here all details about the project.
Für die Verstärkung unseres Teams suchen wir ab sofort Unterstützung!
Dich erwartet ein interessantes und anspruchsvolles Aufgabenfeld, spannende und innovative Wohnungsbauprojekte, ein kollegiales und hoch motiviertes Team, angenehme Arbeitsatmosphäre in einem Büro mit Garten, Hund und Köchin, eine interessante Tätigkeit bei der Entwicklung zukunftsorientierter und anspruchsvoller Architekturprojekte im Bereich Wohnungsbau.
Mehr Informationen zu den ausgeschriebenen Stellen gibt es hier.
"Im Zwickel zwischen Platte und Block: Wohn- und Geschäftshaus von zanderroth in Berlin.
Auf einem Zwickel zwischen DDR-Wohnplatte und Gründerzeit-Resten in Berlin-Mitte haben zanderroth (Berlin) vergangenes Jahr ein Wohn- und Geschäftsgebäude für eine Bauherrengemeinschaft realisiert. Die Architekt*innen entwarfen ein Punkthaus, das allerdings kein Solitär ist, sondern in Verlängerung der gründerzeitlichen Straßenflucht direkt an den benachbarten Blockrand anschließt. Baukörper und Fassade des Siebengeschossers sollen zwischen den konträren Nachbarn vermitteln."
This text is only available in German.
Find here more informations about the project.
"Zwischen Gründerzeit und Sozialismus: Auf einem seltsam zugeschnittenen Restgrundstück kaum fünfhundert Meter vom Berliner Alexanderplatz entfernt haben zanderroth Platz für das Haus einer Baugemeinschaft gefunden. ... Mit sicherer Hand haben die Architekten dem Auftritt des Neuankömmlings in der Magazinstraße die richtige Mischung aus unaufgeregter Selbstverständlichkeit und wohl dosierter Raffinesse verpasst." (Jan Friedrich in Bauwelt, 18.2023)
This text is only available in German.
Find here more informations about the project.
On Arkonaplatz in Berlin-Mitte, zanderroth and project developers from SmartHoming are realizing a multifamily apartment building made of lightweight concrete that features 14 apartments and one commercial unit. The joint venture is located in the heart of the city, between the green stretches of Mauerpark and Nordbahnhof park, in the middle of the historic Rosenthaler Vorstadt’s pulsing urban life.
At the intersection between the popular districts Mitte and Prenzlauer Berg, a new space for living and recreation is being created. The Arkonaplatz apartment building is made of lightweight concrete poured on site. The detailing is minimalist, which lends the structure an unusual and self-confident expression. Its discrete color scheme allows it to blend in naturally with the surrounding neighborhood.
Find here more informations about the project.
257 affordable apartments for state employees are going to be built on the area (2.35 ha) of former 'McGraw barracks' in Munich. This is a project of the housing association Stadibau GmbH from Munich. The residential ensemble is a cooperation between Studio M3, Teleinternetcafe with the architects of zanderroth and Treibhaus Landschaftsarchitektur.
Find more details about the project here.
zanderroth is realizing an apartment building made of lightweight-concrete in cooperation with SmartHoming developing.
More information about the project.
Prof. Dr. Kristin Wellner, TU Berlin
Kevin Hönicke, Baustadtrat Lichtenberg
Sascha Zander & Christian Roth, zanderroth
Jan Friedrich, Bauwelt
July 6th, 2023, 7 pm
Architektur Galerie Berlin
Karl-Marx-Allee 96
10243 Berlin
"Sozialer Wohnungsbau - Die Architekten vom Büro Zanderroth laden zum Blick in die Höhe ein" (Bernhard Schulz, Tagesspiegel, 2023)
Zum Artikel geht es hier entlang.
Every 6 minutes for the past 30 years, Germany has lost a social housing unit. Berlin alone loses 22 units per day. Since 1987, the total inventory of social housing in Germany has sunk from 4 to 1 million, and in Berlin from 340,000 to 100,000. In other words, over 70% of the social housing built between 1950 and 1990 is no longer social.
In tandem with this, between 1990 and 2022, Berlin’s population grew by 417,000 people. The construction of new apartments has failed to keep pace with this population boom, leading to predatory competition between high-income and low-income Berliners. Meanwhile, housing scarcity is not only impacting low earners, but also the so-called “middle class.” While the drastic depletion of affordable housing over the past 30 years is Germany’s most urgent sociopolitical topic, solutions that involve reconceiving the organization of real estate have as yet gone unnoticed.
This is precisely where the “Pioneer” exhibition intervenes. Through diagrams, figures, and tables, zanderroth demonstrates the scale of the housing shortage while at the same time offering a potential solution: by creating mixed use properties on state-owned land, Berlin can meaningfully reduce housing scarcity. The project developed for this purpose, “Pioneer,” demonstrates in detail on 10 different example properties how affordable housing can be achieved in tandem with the necessary infrastructure. “Pioneer” is therefore not only an architectural project, but also a powerful tool for alleviating the housing shortage.
Opening: May 25, 2023, 7:00 pm
Welcome address
Ulrich Müller, Architektur Galerie Berlin
Introduction by
Dr. Thomas Welter, BDA
Gallery Talk: July 6, 2023, 7:00 pm
Jan Friedrich, Bauwelt
New senate Berlin
Sascha Zander and Christian Roth, zanderroth
Exhibition: May 26 - July 8, 2023
Tuesday - Friday 2:00 - 7:00 pm
Saturday 12:00 - 6:00 pm
Architektur Galerie Berlin
Karl-Marx-Allee 96
10243 Berlin
The exhibition 'pionier / Sozialen Wohnungsbau neu denken' in der Architektur Galerie Berlin is open!
Thank you to everyone who celebrated with us. A special thanks goes to Dr. Thomas Welter (BDA), Ulrich Müller from Architektur Galerie Berlin, Siyu Mao (Team Mao) and the exhibition team: Elisa Gersdorf, Dorota Baraniecka, Pia Schreckenbach, Ida Steffen und Milena Kalojanov!
Exhibition May 26 – July 8 2023
Tue – Fri 2 - 7 pm
Sat 12 – 6 pm
Architektur Galerie Berlin
Karl-Marx-Allee 96
10243 Berlin
Find more impressions on Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn.
'Solidarisch Wohnen im Hochhaus'
Wie das Land Berlin den gestiegenen Bodenrichtwert seiner Grundstücke nutzen könnte, um neben städtischer Infrastruktur bezahlbaren Wohnraum zu schaffen, skizziert eine Studie von zanderroth. (Jan Friedrich, Bauwelt, 10.2023)
Der Artikel ist hier online zu finden.
zanderroth wurde 1999 von Sascha Zander und Christian Roth in Berlin gegründet und entwickelt seit dem Wohnungsbauten in allen Größenordnungen – von der Blockrandschließung über Siedlungen bis hin zu Stadterweiterungen. Bekannt wurde zanderroth durch architektonisch anspruchsvolle und innovative Wohnungsbauprojekte in Berlin. Dabei musste das Büro lernen, dass für ein optimales Ergebnis das Verständnis der gesamten Wertschöpfung einer Immobilie notwendig ist. Deshalb stehen neben dem Lebenswert, Qualität und Nachhaltigkeit in allen Maßstäben die Umsetzbarkeit und Finanzierung gleichberechtigt im Fokus der Arbeit von zanderroth.
Am 12.Mai sprechen sie auf dem Bauwelt Kongress ‚Das Gold der Stadt‘. Das Thema: ‚pionier - Sozialen Wohnungsbau neu denken‘.
Mehr Informationen zum Kongress & Programm gibt es hier.
This years book of Architektenkammer Berlin "Architecture Berlin" features our project riv - New residential building Europacity Riverside, Berlin. It is published to accompany the exhibition “da! Architecture in and from Berlin 2023" and includes the most important debates in architecture, landscape architecture and urban planning.
Find here more informations about the project.
Find here more informations about the book.
From March 14th to 17th zanderroth will be exhibiting at this years MIPIM 2023, the leading international real estate event in Cannes. We will present new and award winning housing projects. Make an appointment and visit us at our booth: pr@zanderroth.de. We are looking forward to your visit!
MIPIM 2023: March 14th - 17th, 2023
Booth: R7.G38/14, German Pavilion, Palais des Festivals, Cannes
Find more informations about the German Pavilion at MIPIM 2023.
The project Potsdams Mitte, Bloc III of the housing cooperative "Karl Marx" Potsdam eG is being built on Potsdam's Alter Markt in the vicinity of St. Nikolai Church and the Staudenhof. In this ensemble, zanderroth is realizing two residential buildings, whose completion is planned for early 2024. On this saturday, the topping-out ceremony was held for this residential project.
Find more informations about the project here.
We are happy to be part of the new book Berlin. Urban Architecture and Daily Life since 2009 (©EditionDETAIL). Our project ze05 is in the selection of the best architectural projects in the German capital!
The architectural competition in Düsseldorf's “Belsenpark II” has been decided. In an invited qualification process by the project developer PANDION AG, the design by zanderroth and Rehwaldt landscapearchitects was awarded with 1st prize.
In cooperation with the office of Rehwaldt landscapearchitects, zanderroth designed different public spaces, small squares and differentiated street spaces. Characteristic of the design is the differentiation of large blocks and small urban houses. The completion of the entire district with approx. 46,500 m² of land area and 700 residential units is planned for 2028.
The new lightweight concrete building m17 in Magazinstraße, Berlin is nearing completion. The Baugruppe-project (joint building project) is the recent residential building by zanderroth with the project developers from SmartHoming GmbH.
Find more information about the project on our website.
Known for their tailored Baugruppen projects, zanderroth are showing a glimpse into their daily office life to future clients of interesting living concepts in Hamburg Wilhelmsburg.
Have a look!
In the immediate vicinity of the listed grain storage and the direct waterfront location on the Spandau shipping canal, the project "riv - Haus am Wasser" is integrated into the new Europacity quarter in Berlin's Mitte district and benefits from the qualities of the location
Find here more informations about the project.
We are happy to be part of the pool of architects for IBA Hamburg Wilhelmsburg! Our Baugruppen-project WILMA is a proposal for a inclusive living concept for future assemblies.
Launch Event
July 6th, 2022 | 6 pm
Bürgerhaus Wilhelmsburg
Mengestraße 20, 21107 Hamburg
Find more informations about the project here.
At this year's Tag der Architektur 2022 we are presenting two of our residential buildings in Berlin. Sascha Zander, Christin Roth und Burkhard Köhler from zanderrotharchitekten are touring through spb - two residential buildings at Schmollerplatz and m17 - residential building of light weight concrete.
spb - Residential building at Schmollerplatz, Berlin-Treptow
Saturday, June 25th 2022 - 11am
m17 - Magazinstraße 17, Berlin-Mitte
Saturday, June 25th 2022 - 2pm and 4pm
Please register with your name and the time slot: pr@zanderroth.de
We are looking forward to see you!
"Housing: does good mean affordable?"
Lecture (online) with Christian Roth at Architektenkammer Berlin
Christian Roth from zanderrotharchitekten gives an insight into the development of Berlin's property prices and the associated challenges in the implementation of low-cost housing development in Berlin. This rapid development over the last 10 years is illustrated using various projects from zanderroth's portfolio.
Architektenkammer Berlin
Thursday, April 7th 2022
5 - 7 pm
Various urban design and social aspects for urban living are presented in the new book of ©EditionDETAIL. Among others, our building group project ze05 at Zelterstrasse is shown!
Edition DETAIL
AT HOME - Architecture for Urban Living
Sandra Hofmeister (Hg.)
Find more information on the project here.
Four of the residential projects are competing at this year's BDA PREIS BERLIN 2021 for the audience award.
We would highly appreciate if you vote for our Berlin projects by January 5, 2022:
pa1925 in Prenzlauer Berg
th62 in Pankow
spb in Treptow
riv in Moabit
Thank you!
zanderroth are winning the 1st price at the competition "Stadtquartier Zollhafen Mainz, Hafeninsel 1", Germany!
The winners of the FIABCI Prix d’Excellence Germany 2021 have been announced! The jury awarded the Berlin project th62 - New development of six apartment buildings Thulestraße 62 in Berlin-Pankow. We are very happy!
The residential project with 396 apartments was developed by zanderroth, their own project development company SmartHoming GmbH and UBM Development AG.
Find more informations about the project here.
On Monday, November 22nd - Christian Roth (zanderroth, Berlin) and Gert Lorber (Lorber Paul Architects, Cologne) are guests at the TH Lübeck to talk about redensification, sustainable living concepts and their experiences from many years of working in the field of innovative new residential concepts.
Lunch-Talk (digita, public & in German only)
Monday, November 22nd, 2021
12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m.
The link: https://bbb.th-luebeck.de/b/rin-exy-rda-m0u
Today is the topping-out ceremony of the residential project at Magazinstraße 17 in Berlin.
The design of the building made of lightweight concrete was finished in 2016 and the inauguration is intend to be next year.
More informations about the project can be found here.
Our project th62 - New development of six apartment buildings Thulestrasse 62 in Berlin has been nominated for the DAM Prize for Architecture in Germany 2022 by the Deutsches Architekturmuseum in Frankfurt and JUNG. Wish us luck!
More information about the project can be found here.
For this year's Tag der Architektur 2021, we are presenting our recently completed project th62 - New development of six apartment buildings Thulestrasse 62, Berlin and touring through the residential project. Please register with your name and the time slot: pr@zanderroth.de
When: Saturday, June 26th 2021
Where: Thulestrasse 62, Berlin
What: Guided tours at 2:00 p.m. and 3:30 p.m.
The program can be found here: Tag der Architektur 2021
The tours will take place outdoors. FFP2 masks are recommended.
We are looking forward to see you!
We are really excited - our project th62 in Berlin, which was completed in 2020, has been nominated for the DAM Preis 2022 of the Architekturmuseum in Frankfurt am Main - we are really excited!
Find more informations about the project here.
The Architektenkammer Berlin and zanderroth cordially invite you to the digital opening of the exhibition "da! Architektur in und aus Berlin". Our project spb is one of 61 current projects in Berlin, which are creative answers to architectural questions and tasks.
"da! Architektur in und aus Berlin"
Digital opening: Friday, April 16th, 2021, 6pm
Date: April, 16th - May, 15th 2021 at stilwerk Berlin, Kantstraße 17, 10623 Berlin
Have a look at the project here.
zanderroth and the project development company GARBE Immobilien-Projekte GmbH were awarded at the prestigious FIABCI Prix d'Excellence 2020 for the project spb - New development of two new residential buildings Schmollerplatz, Berlin-Treptow.
More information and project details can be found here.
Groundbreaking ceremony at our project m17 - a new residential building made at Magazinstrasse in Berlin. zanderroth and the project developers from SmartHoming GmbH are developing a residential building made of lightweight concrete with 11 apartments and an office unit.
Find here more informations about the project.
zanderrotharchitekten are winning the 1st price at the competition „PANDION Midtown 4.BA" in Berlin, Germany!
The architectural guide "Architekturführer Deutschland 2021" has been published. Among the 99 contemporary projects is also the project spb, new development of two residential buildings Schmollerplatz, Berlin-Treptow.
Find more informations about the project here.
On a formerly industrial site, zanderroth are adding six residential buildings to Berlin's Thulestrasse, which, thanks to their special arrangement, create new open spaces with new qualities. The new project in the area of Pankow is a residential ensemble of six free-standing buildings with a total of 396 apartments in a park-like, car-free 11,000 sqm urban landscape.
Find more informations about the project here.
A huge part of our projects we have completed with the landscape architect and long-term partner Susanne Friedburg from friedburg & Co.. Our collaboration began with the gardens of the residential buildings ly43, du63 and cb19.
In 2010 and 2015, the award-winning residential complexes 'BigYard' at Zelterstrasse and li01 in Liebigstrasse, Berlin, followed. The most recent completion spb is in Berlin-Treptow: the residential buildings made of wood on Schmollerplatz.
For more informations check out her brandnew homepage: www.friedburgco.de
Shortly before completion and already in the current edition of Bauwelt: the new project th62 - construction of six new townhouses at Thulestrasse 62 in the Berlin district of Pankow.
The article is only available in german.
Find more informations about the project here.
Socially mixed, lush greenery, flexible use - the residential areas of the future must look very different from today. This is the only way for cities to face their growing problems.
Find the article (in german only) here.
The new edition "The Why Factory" of Baumeister Magazine finally arrived - this time guest-curated by Winy Maas from MVRDV!
Building and planning in Germany - that is the topic of the current issue. It´s about the German architectural scene, what is behind "Made in Germany", but also what the office of MVRDV understands by "German Beauty" and what experiences they have had in Germany. A selection of Baugruppen- projects of our office are examples of participatory housing in the text by Christiane Bürklein: "Building together: from" ego "to" we go ".
The 11th Architecture Prize Berlin 2020 is awarded and stands for exemplary architectural buildings and open spaces with special architectural quality, creative strength and technical innovation. Until August 23, 2020 you can vote for our two Berlin projects among 154 exciting submissions:
pa1925 - New construction of four residential buildings and a supermarket
Pasteurstrasse 19-25
spb - New construction of two residential buildings on Schmollerplatz
More information about the Architecture Prize Berlin 2020 can be found here. Good luck to all participants!
Read the full article (in German) here.
You can find more information about the project on our homepage.
Our project spb - New development of two new residential buildings at Schmollerplatz in Berlin has been nominated for the DAM Prize for Architecture in Germany 2021 by the Deutsches Architekturmuseum in Frankfurt. Wish us luck!
More information about the project can be found here.
In the Berlin district of Alt-Treptow, two identical residential buildings positioned at 90-degree angles complete the urban structure of the neighborhood between the Landwerk Canal and Treptower Park. Find here more Informations about the project.
zanderroth rank 25th in the 'Architects' category in the 2019/2020 ranking by competitionline - the ranking for architects, urban planners and landscape architects in german-speaking countries that is based on competition results. In the 'Urban Planners' category, zanderrotharchitekten took the 13th place. We are very happy about that!
See the full ranking here.
This years fair bautec 2020 will take place from February 18-21, 2020 and the new up#BERLIN will be premiering at the fair, which is devoted to the components of planning, building, living and operating. The Baumeister Magazine invites you to be part of five panel discussions and talks deal based on these topics.
Thursday, February 20, 2020
1:00 p.m. Innovations & Buildings of tomorrow
Christian Roth, zanderroth
Jan Schellhoff, UNSTUDIO
Elin Hauge, hos MIRIS
Jens Peter Rohmann, Lidl Service GmbH & Co. KG
Stephen Fu, Nordic Smart House
Håkon S. Rognlien, TEWO
Alexander Gutzmer, editor-in-chief Baumeister Magazine
bautec 2020
Messe Berlin GmbH, Hall 4.2
Messedamm 22
14055 Berlin
Christian Roth from zanderroth uses various concepts and implemented projects from the office portfolio to show that high quality, cost reduction and real estate valuation can still be achieved by using different typologies, hybrid concepts and modularity.
Thursday, October 24, 2019, 3:30 - 8:00 pm
Museum of Communication, Schaumainkai 53, 60596 Frankfurt am Main
6:00 pm »Good & Affordable« - Residential development by zanderroth
Christian Roth, zanderrotharchitekten | Berlin
More information about the symposium here.
The first issue (of three) from the new series of Baumeister Magazine about 'Social Development' & 'Affordable living' includes also our project - pa1925 - new development of four residential buildings and a supermarket at Pasteurstraße 19-25 in Berlin. The current issue (B10.2019) is now in stores.
Find more informations about the project on our website.
We are happy to win another 1st prize for the project pa1925 - new development of a residential ensemble and a retail store Pasteurstrasse 19-25, Berlin at the Award Deutscher Wohnungsbau 2019!
The publishing house Callwey Verlag, the Federal Ministry of the Interior (BMI), Expo Real in Munich and the architecture magazine Baumeister offer this award the first time in 2019 as a architectural prize - a prize for clients, builders and architects in the field of multi-storey buildings.
The projects and housing concepts awarded by the jury in twelve different categories present exemplary solutions for the most important building task of the present day. We thank the jury and congratulate all other winners!
More information about the project pa1925 can be found here.
More information about the award can be found here.
This years ART BIESENTHAL 2019 will take place at Wehrmühle (House Hecken) in Biesenthal, a pituresk village near Berlin. The building is a new construction of a villa in place of a destroyed fortified mill. The construction by zanderroth took place in 2005. We are looking forward to the opening!
Vernissage: August, 17th 2019
12pm - open end
Exhibition: August 18th - September, 7th 2019
Wed - Sun, 1pm - 7pm
Today is the topping-out ceremony of the project th62 at Thulestrasse 62 in Berlin. The design of the six residential buildings with 400 units was finished in 2017 and the inauguration is intend to be this year.
The current issue of Bauwelt Einblick "Baugruppe Berlin - "Baugruppe Berlin – Über die Zukunft gemeinschaftlichen Bauens“. Bauwelt, zanderroth and all other protagonists invite you to an open panel discussion on June 13th 2019, 7pm in the Werkstatt Haus der Statistik in Berlin.
When: June 13th 2019, 7pm
Where: Werkstatt Haus der Statistik, Karl-Marx-Allee 1, 10178 Berlin, Germany
More information about our project pa1925 is available here.
Find more information about the event and the magazine here.
zanderroth are winner of the 1st prize in the competition "Kiek in Barmbek" in Hamburg, Germany. The project is the largest new construction with 100 apartments of the housing cooperative Hamburger Wohnen.
All winners of the competition will be publicly exhibited in the district office Hamburg-Nord. We are looking forward to your visit!
When: May 27 - June 7, 2019, Mon to Fri 7am-7pm
Where: District office Hamburg-Nord, Kümmelstraße 5-7, 20249 Hamburg, Germany
Today is the roofing ceremony of the housing project at Scharnhorststraße 8 in Berlin.
The design of the three buildings was finished in 2017 and the inauguration is intend to be next year.
zanderroth have been nominated for the polis Award in the category "Urbanes Flächenrecycling" with the project pa1925 - new construction of four residential buildings and a retail store at Pasteurstraße 19-25 in Berlin. Out of 110 applications in 5 categories, the jury, under the chairmanship of Reiner Nagel, Bundesstiftung Baukultur, nominated 5 projects per category. All winners will be announced at the award ceremony on May 15, 2019 in Düsseldorf.
Have a look at the polis Award.
From March 12th to 15th zanderroth will be exhibiting at this years MIPIM 2019, the leading international real estate event in Cannes. We will present new and award winning housing projects, such as the pa1925 - New construction of four residential buildings and a retail store at Pasteurstraße 19-25 in Berlin.
We are happy to make an appointment on site - visit us at our booth: pr@zanderroth.de. We are looking forward to your visit!
MIPIM 2019: March 12th - 15th, 2019
Booth: R7.G38/11, German Pavilion, Palais des Festivals, Cannes
Find here more informations about the German Pavilion at MIPIM 2019.
This years winners of DAM PREIS 2019 unveiled! Until April 22, you can visit the exhibition "The 25 best buildings in\from Germany" - at the Deutsches Architekturmuseum in Frankfurt. In addition to the winners of gmp Architekten, all the nominated projects are also on display - including the project pa1925 from zanderroth. Congratulations!
Find more about the project here.
Christian Roth, Sascha Zander and the team of zanderrotharchitekten wishes you Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2019!
Last but not least: zanderrotharchitekten are winner of the 1st prize in the competition "McGraw-barracks" in Munich for architecture & landscape architecture with the office of landscape architects friedburg & Co.! The former barracks area becomes a residential district. There is also a 2nd prize for the urban planning: we are more than happy and looking forward to 2019!
Save the best for last: we got the building permit for our second lightweight concrete project!
zanderrotharchitekten and project developers from SmartHoming are going to build a multi-family house - magazine17 - with 12 apartments. The new residential project is centrally located in the heart of the city between the river Spree, Alexanderplatz and Karl-Marx-Allee.
Find more details about the project here.
The German Design Award is the international award of the German Design Council. His goal:
unique design trends. Each year, top-class submissions from product and communication design are awarded, all of which are groundbreaking in the international design scene.
The predicate "Special Mention" honors also architectural projects. In 2018 the award goes to the project pa1925 - new development of four residential buildings and a supermarket in Berlin for outstanding design quality in the category of architecture.
Have a look at the project here.
zanderrotharchitekten wins the Heinze ArchitektenAward 2018 in the category "Apartment Buildings and Multi-storey Buildings" for the project pa1925 - New development of a residential ensemble and a retail store at Pasteurstrasse 19-25 in Berlin's Prenzlauer Berg district.
The award ceremony for the Heinze ArchitektenAWARD took place on the evening of November, 21st as part of the two-day Heinze ArchitekTOUR Congress in the Landschaftspark Duisburg.
"The communal garden and courtyard on the roof of the supermarket is a convincing, urban type of building, which has been architecturally outstanding realized in the project 'pa1925' by zanderroth. ..."
Find the article here (in german only).
zanderrotharchitekten and the in-house project development company SmartHoming were awarded at the prestigious FIABCI Prix d'Excellence 2018 for the project pa1925 - New development of a residential ensemble and a retail store Pasteurstrasse 19-25, Berlin-Prenzlauer Berg.
At the award ceremony at Hotel Adlon, FIABCI and the BFW Bundesverband Freier Immobilien- und Wohnungsunternehmen selected this year's winners of the FIABCI Prix d'Excellence Germany 2018.
More information and project details can be found here.
The architectural guide "Architekturführer Deutschland 2019" has been published. Among the 97 contemporary projects is also the project pa1925, new development of a residential ensemble and a retail store Pasteurstrasse 19-25, Berlin-Prenzlauer Berg.
Find more informations about the project here.
The groundbreaking ceremony of our new residential project s8 in Scharnhorststrasse, Berlin was held today. The shareholder of the project, the project developer SmartHoming and all executing companies were present for the ceremony.
zanderrotharchitekten are winning the 1st price in the competition "Living at Stellinger Markt" in Hamburg, Germany!
After having won the competition for construction site D of Wasserstadt Mitte, Europacity in 2016 zanderroth are celebrating topping out ceremony together with Adler Real Estate AG and Kauri CAB. Amongst others the mayor of berlin, Michael Müller, was present. Diverse apartment types, a day-care center for children and commercial areas will be developed until 2019. The „Haus am Wasser“ is including six floors of 2-, 3- and 4-room apartments.
Find more information about the project rivD here.
zanderroth are celebrating at Berlins Bar Babette, Karl-Marx-Allee 36 where they had their first studio in 1999. The reason were the annual summer party as well as the 19th anniversary of the office.
Christian Roth and Sascha Zander from zanderroth are going to be part of the "REM Lecture" of the master's program Real Estate Management at the Technical University of Berlin. They are going to present selected projects from the office portfolio and discuss ambitious housing development, rising land prices and the interest to develop their projects by themself.
Wednesday, July 4th 2018 at 6:30 pm
Architekturgebäude der TU Berlin
Room A 060 (EG)
Straße des 17. Juni 152
10623 Berlin
We are happy to announce: the project pa1925 made it on the shortlist of DAM Award 2019! Find more informations about the award here.
Article 14 of the German Constitution reads: “Property is a responsibility. Its use should serve the welfare of the public.” Should corporate social responsibility underpin urban housing policies and infrastructure development? Berlin’s government has provided incentives for social responsibility, by means of policy instruments such as the ‘concept development procedure’ (Konzeptverfahren) in real estate and property allocations. Are these correction tools one-offs and anomalies – or do they represent a future model? Case studies from the realms of architecture, urban policy and new cooperative housing models foreground the social imperative.
Join the panel discussion and talk with Sascha Zander from zanderrotharchitekten and many other speakers like Daniel Dahm, Frauke Burgdorff, Barbara König, Verena von Beckerath, Manfred Kühne, Stefan Reiss-Schmidt, Host: Olaf Grawert
Thursday, June 28th 2018
4:30 - 6:30 pm
Tschechisches Zentrum Berlin
Wilhelmstraße 44
10117 Berlin
As part of this year's Make City Festival (June 14 - July 1, 2018), zanderroth are guiding through old and new projects. Let's start with:
Tour #1 on Tuesday, June 19th at 10 am: Projekt ze05 - New development of a residential estate
Zelterstrasse 5, Berlin-Prenzlauer Berg
Tour #2 on Wednesday, June 20th 2018 at 10 am: Projekt pa1925 - New development of a residential ensemble and a retail store Pasteurstrasse 19-25, Berlin-Prenzlauer Berg
Get your tickets here!
DAHEIM is an exhibition designed by the German Architecture Museum (DAM) in 2015. It is the first exhibition devoted to the current phenomenon of community building and living. 26 architects in Germany and in other European countries present projects realized as assembly projects, cooperatives or housing associations.
Exhibition: May 10th - September 19th 2018
Location: STA M, Stadsmuseum Gent, Belgien
You can find more details about the exhibition here.
Have a look at the project here.
Photos: Phile Deprez
We are happy to announce: the project pa1925 - new development of four residential buildings and a retail store in Pasteurstraße 19-25, Berlin is among the 100 nominated buildings on the longlist for this years DAM Award for Architecture in Germany 2019!
Find more informations about the projects here.
Find more informations about the DAM Preis 2019 here.
Christian Roth from zanderotharchitekten, Berlin will showcase the residential project
ze05 - New development of a residential estate Zelterstrasse 5, Berlin-Prenzlauer Berg and discuss the essentials and key aspects of the project in terms of design, costs and development.
"Future Homes for London": Alternate Models will discuss: case studies and precedents; the consequences of different legal frameworks; co-operative models and land tenure systems in relationship to participation, ongoing management, and governance; the financing of housing projects – patient capital and the perception of risk; procurement structures; and the role of architecture, especially in negotiating difference productively through design.
Participants will hear from those developing, building, designing, leading and living in new projects globally and learn from their experience of delivering alternate housing.
Symposium: 13 April 2018 - 14 April 2018
Time: 9.30am – 6.30pm
Location: Kensington, Lecture Theatre 1, London
Find more informations about the project ze05 here.
Find more details about the lectures here.
zanderrotharchitekten and the project developers of SmartHoming are developing three new residential houses. The different building typologies with front house, garden house and three townhouses make the high quality new building project unique and contemporary. There are 47 residential units in different sizes.
More information and project details can be found here.
From March 13th to 16th zanderroth will be exhibiting at this years MIPIM 2018, the leading international real estate event in Cannes. We will present new housing projects, such as the pa1925 - New construction of four residential buildings and a retail store at Pasteurstraße 19-25 in Berlin, which is also nominated for the prestigious MIPIM Award 2018 in the category Best Residential Development.
MIPIM 2018: March 13th - 16th, 2018
Palais des Festivals, German Pavilion, Booth: R7.G38/10, Cannes
Find here more informations about MIPIM 2018 and the MIPIM Award 2018.
The Architektenkammer Berlin and zanderroth cordially invite you to the exhibition "da! Architecture in Berlin" 2018. Our project pa1925 - New development of a residential ensemble and a retail store Pasteurstraße 19-25, Berlin is one of 66 current projects in Berlin, which are creative answers to architectural questions and tasks.
"da! Architektur in und aus Berlin"
Vernissage: Friday, March, 9th 2018, 7pm
Date: March, 10th - April, 7th 2018
stilwerk Berlin, Kantstraße 17, 10623 Berlin
Opening hours: Mon-Sat, 8am-8pm
Have a look at the project here.
Across Europe, a new generation of architecture practices are transforming affordable housing. Responding to continued need, changing clients, and new funding methods, architects are once again addressing how homes can be delivered at scale while piloting new methods to achieve high standards of design. The exhibition captures some of the best and most innovative examples of social housing at a critical juncture for the sector. Drawing together 24 case studies by 20 practices from eight European countries, it looks at a range of typologies, emerging design approaches and refurbishment strategies.
"Social Housing – New European Projects"
Vernissage: Wednesday, February 15th, 2018, 7pm
Date: February 15th - May 19th, 2018
Location: Center for Architecture, 536 LaGuardia Place, New York, NY 10012
See here more about the project.
We are pleased to announce: our project pa1925 - New development of a residential and commercial ensemble Pasteurstrasse 19-25, Berlin is nominated for the prestigious MIPIM Award 2018 in the category "Best Residential Development"! The project was realized jointly by zanderroth and the project developers of SmartHoming.
From March 13th to 16th, 2018, we present our current projects, together with 28 other architects' offices at the world's largest real estate fair MIPIM, at the "German Pavilion"(Riviera Hall, booth no. R07.G38) at the Palais de Festivals, Cannes.
We are looking forward to your visit!
Have a look at the project here.
Find more informations about the German Pavilion at MIPIM, Cannes here.
"This new residential complex by zanderroth is located on Pasteurstrasse, a street in the quiet Bötzowkiez area of Berlin’s Prenzlauer Berg. Realized as a joint venture between its future residents, this project comprises of fifty-one units spread across four separate buildings. The complex stands on a site previously occupied by a freestanding supermarket, which has been seamlessly integrated into the ground floor of the building facing the street..."
Reed the article here.
Find here more information about the project.
"Smart architecture in Berlin: the residential ensemble Pasteurstrasse by zanderrotharchitekten." (by Claus Käpplinger, de Architect, 11/2017, NL)
See more about the project here.
New projects, completions, office information and many more news can be found in the brand new profile of zanderroth on BauNetz.
The equally new BauNetz-Map shows in pictures, text and coordinates a project-Best Of from the portfolio of the office. Have a look!
Last friday zanderrotharchitekten and the in-house project development company SmartHoming won the prestigious FIABCI Prix d'Excellence 2017 in bronze in the category "Housing" for the project li01 - new development of six residential buildings
Liebigstrasse 1, Berlin. At the award ceremony at Hotel Adlon, FIABCI and the BFW Bundesverband Freier Immobilien- und Wohnungsunternehmen selected this year's winners of the FIABCI Prix d'Excellence Germany 2017.
The FIABCI Prix d'Excellence 2017 in bronze in the category "Housing" is now the second prestigious real estate award after the MIPIM Award 2017 in the category "Best Residential Development" for the project li01 in one year.
More information and project details can be found here.
zanderroth and the project developers from SmartHoming are starting a new residential building - m17 - made of lightweight concrete with 11 apartments and a business unit. The project is centrally located in the heart of the city, at Magazinstrasse in the area of Berlin´s Mitte.
More information and project details can be found here.
The BDA Niedersachsen in Hannover, Germany invites to the sixth lecture in its series "Junge Baukunst" in the Gropiushaus Hannover. Christian Roth from zanderrotharchitekten, Berlin shows a selection of projects from the portfolio of the office.
November, 14th, 2017, 7pm
BDA Niedersachsen, Gropiushaus
Alleehof 4
30167 Hannover
The new residential complex at Pasteurstrasse is located in the quiet Bötzowkiez near Prenzlauer Allee in Berlin's Prenzlauer Berg district. The building gap, which has been realized as a joint building venture with 51 residential units, consists of four different buildings and integrates the previously freestanding supermarket into the ground floor of the front building.
Have a look at the project here.
An ensemble of three new residential buildings is going to be built at the Scharnhorstrasse in Berlin-Mitte. The project will be realized by zanderrotharchitekten as a residential joint building venture and managed by the project developers of Smart Homing. The new buildings are located in the attractive Scharnhorstkiez, directly at the river Panke and the new Pankepark.
The architectural guide "Architekturführer Deutschland 2018" has been published. Among the 95 projects - researched by the Deutsches Architekturmuseum in Frankfurt - is the project li01, new development of six residential houses in Liebigstraße 1, Berlin-Friedrichshain.
Find more informations about the project here.
The project li01 - new development of six residential buildings Liebigstraße 01, Berlin by zanderrotharchitekten is one of the finalists for the FIABCI Prix d'Excellence Germany in the category Living.
The BFW Bundesverband Freier Immobilien- und Wohnungsunternehmen e.V. and FIABCI Germany awards outstanding project developments in Germany. The winners will be announced November 17, 2017 in Berlin.
See more about the project here.
More informations about FIABCI Prix d´Excellence Germany.
Finally! The foundation stone for the project "Haus am Wasser" was laid at the Europacity Riverside in Heidestrasse, Berlin!
See more about the project here.
This year, Copenhagen was the destination of the office travel by zanderrotharchitekten. The office visited 40 architectural and landscape architecture projects in Denmark's capital, including the recently completed Silo (2017) from COBE Architects, the Torpedohallen (1954/ 2003) by Vandkunsten Architects, SH2 Sundbyoster Hall II (2015) by Dorte Mandrup Architects, the residential buildings of Kay Fisker and the Grundtvig's Church (1940) by Peter Klingt.
DAHEIM is an exhibition designed by the German Architecture Museum (DAM) in 2015. It is the first exhibition devoted to the current phenomenon of community building and living. 26 architects in Germany and in other European countries present projects realized as assembly projects, cooperatives or housing associations.The traveling exhibition is organised by the City of Genk and C-Mine.
Vernissage: September 9th 2017
Exhibition: September 10th - October 20th 2017
Location: C-mine Cultural Centre, Genk, Belgium
You can find more details about the exhibition here.
Have a look at the project here.
Have a look at the project here.
An ensemble of five new residential buildings for the HOWOGE Wohnungsbaugesellschaft mbH is being built on Küstriner Straße/corner of Reichenberger Strasse in Berlin. The new road-supporting urban buildings creates a protected inner space, in which an intimate settlement of lower buildings emerges. In the coming year, all residential units will be ready for occupancy.
zanderrotharchitekten are winning the 1st price in the competition "Grün Village", Berlin. The competition is a cooperation with léonwohlhage Gesellschaft von Architekten mbH, herrburg Landschaftsarchitekten und Stadt Land Fluss Städteplaner.
Have a look at the project here.
In the series "BDA-Container" on Friday, June 30, 2017 at 4 pm todays guided tour will take place in our project spb - two residential buildings at Schmollerplatz, Berlin-Treptow. Christian Roth and Burkhard Köhler of zanderroth will lead through the new buildings which are about to be completed.
Have a look at the project here.
The construction work at our projects pa1925 and spb is in the final stages. On "Tag der Architektur 2017" Sascha Zander from zanderrotharchitekten will give a tour trough the project at Pasteurstraße 19-25 in Berlin's Prenzlauer Berg district. At the same time, Christian Roth from zanderrotharchitekten will show insight of both residential buildings at Schmollerplatz in Berlin-Treptow.
Guided tour at pa1925 with Sascha Zander
Location: Pasteurstraße 19-25, Berlin-Prenzlauer Berg
Saturday, June 24, 2017
Time: 4pm
Guided tour at spb with Christian Roth
Location: Schmollerplatz, Berlin-Treptow
Saturday, June 24, 2017
Time: 4pm
Have a look at the project pa1925 here.
Have a look at the project spb here.
See the program of "Tag der Architektur 2017" here.
Every year again! The annual summer party of zanderrotharchitekten & SmartHoming takes place in the garden of our office in Dunckerstraße, Berlin.
Have a look at the project here.
Across the UK and Europe a new generation of practices are transforming public housing. Responding to continued high demand, new funding methods and a reinvigorated public sector, architects are re-addressing how homes are delivered at larger scales, piloting new methods to achieve new high standards of design.
In addition to the exhibition, the RIBA hosts a international discussion chaired by Oliver Wainwright (The Guardian) with Paul Karakusevic (Karakusevic Carson Architects, UK), Christelle Avenier (Avenier Cornejo Architectes, France), Hans van der Heijden (The Netherlands), Frédéric Druot (Frédéric Druot Architecture, France) and Sascha Zander (zanderrotharchitekten, Germany).
Transforming Social Housing – Stories from the UK and Europe
Tuesday 16 May, 7.00 to 8.30pm, RIBA
The Practice Space, RIBA, 66 Portland Place, London,W1B 1AD
Have a look at the event here.
The project ze05 - New construction of a residential estate Zelterstraße 5, Berlin is part of the exhibition "Wohnungsbau in Berlin. Wer baut für wen?" at the Chamber of Architects in Istanbul, Turkey.
Vernissage: Friday, May 12th 2017, 7 pm
Duration: May 13th - June 9th 2017
Location: Chamber of Architects Istanbul (TMMOB Mimarlar Odasý Ýstanbul), Kemankes Caddesi Nr. 31, District Karaköy-Beyoglu, 34425 Istanbul, Turkey
DAHEIM is an exhibition designed by the German Architecture Museum (DAM) in 2015. It is the first exhibition devoted to the current phenomenon of community building and living. 26 architects in Germany and in other European countries present projects realized as assembly projects, cooperatives or housing associations.
Vernissage: May 10th 2017, 7pm
Exhibition: May 11th - August 2nd 2017
Location: Architektenkammer Niedersachsen, Laveshaus, Friedrichswall 5,
30159 Hannover, Germany
You can find more details about the exhibition here.
Have a look at the project here.
The faculty of construction of the Lübeck University of Applied Sciences starts with the 2nd architecture series of urban planning lectures in 2017. On 09.05.17, Christian Roth from zanderroth presents a selection of residential buildings between 1999 - 2017 on May 9th 2017, 6pm.
You can find more details about the lecture here.
University of Applied Sciences Lübeck
BAUFORUM - House 14
Stephensonstrasse 1
23562 Lübeck
An ensemble of five new residential buildings for the HOWOGE Wohnungsbaugesellschaft mbH is being built on Küstriner Straße / corner of Reichenberger Strasse in Berlin - Hohenschönhausen. The new road-supporting urban buildings creates a protected inner space, in which an intimate settlement of lower buildings emerges. In the coming year, all residential units will be ready for occupancy.
Across the UK and Europe a new generation of practices are transforming public housing. Responding to continued high demand, new funding methods and a reinvigorated public sector, architects are re-addressing how homes are delivered at larger scales, piloting new methods to achieve new high standards of design.
The exhibition captures some of the best and most innovative examples of social housing at a critical juncture for the sector. Drawing together 24 case studies by 20 practices from eight European countries, it looks at a range of typologies, emerging design approaches and refurbishment strategies.
Vernissage: April 18 2017
Location: The Practice Space, RIBA, 66 Portland Place, London,W1B 1AD
Exhibition: April 18 2017 - May 28 2017
Find more about the exhibition here.
Today is the roofing ceremony at the project ecb - Europacity Berlin, Heidestrasse. The design of the four buildings was finished in 2013 and the inauguration is intend to be in 2018. The architectural concept was developed by zanderrotharchitekten and zoomarchitekten. Each building was designed by different offices - zanderrotharchitekten, zoomarchitekten, Baumschlager Hutter Partner and the office of Andre Poitiers.
It's official! Since today, zanderroth are joining the NAX - Netzwerk Architekturexport / Network for Architecture Exchange. We are looking forward to future cooperations. Thanks to Claudia Sanders and the team from NAX!
Have a look at the projects of NAX here.
"Berlin-based architect Kristien Ring speaks with Geoffrey London about the German phenomenon of apartment-building design and development driven by citizens." Thank you for featuring our project ze05 - New development of a residential estate Zelterstrasse 5, Berlin.
Have a look at the project here.
Read the article here.
We are pleased to announce: after 3 successful days exhibiting our work at the German Pavilion at MIPIM in Cannes, the project li01 - new development of six residential buildings at Liebigstraße 1, Berlin wins the prestigious MIPIM Award 2017 in the "Best Residential Development" category! The project was realized jointly by zanderroth and the project developers of SmartHoming.
Have a look at the project here.
Have a look at the MIPIM Awards and winners here.
The Architektenkammer Berlin and zanderrotharchitekten cordially invite you to the exhibition
"da! Architecture in Berlin" 2017. Our project wa17 - New development of a residential building, Berlin is one of 68 current projects in Berlin, which are creative answers to architectural questions and tasks.
Vernissage: Friday, March, 10th 2017, 7pm
stilwerk Berlin, Kantstraße 17, 10623 Berlin
Date: March, 11th - April, 8th 2017, Free entrance
Opening hours: Mon-Sat, 8am-8pm
Have a look at the project here.
At this years MIPIM 2017, the leading international real estate event in Cannes, zanderroth will present their new projects - and you are cordially invited
to join us!
When: 14 - 17 March 2017
Where: Palais des Festivals, Cannes, German Pavilion, Booth: R.7.G38/02
For further informations please get in touch with us: pr@zanderroth.de
The jury, chaired by John Forrester, CEO EMEA of Cushman & Wakefield, shortlisted the project li01-New development of six apartment buildings, Liebigstrasse 1 in the "Best residential development" category of the MIPIM Awards 2017.
Visit us at the German Pavilion at MIPIM 2017 in Cannes!
Have a look at the project here.
Have a look at MIPIM 2017, Cannes here.
Join the guided tour through our project pa1925 - New development of a residential and commercial ensemble by zanderroth and Bund Deutscher Architekten at the next BDA Container.
Friday, February 17th, 2017 at 4pm
Meeting point: Pasteurstrasse 19-25, 10407 Berlin
Please register until February, 15th, 2017 at info@bda-berlin.de
Have a look at the project here.
After showing exemplary housing projects in Frankfurt and in Dornbirn, Austria the exhibition "DAHEIM. Bauen und Wohnen in Gemeinschaft" continues to Munich, at the Haus der Architektur.
Vernissage: Thursday, February 9, 2017, 7pm
Exhibition: February 10 - March 24, 2017
Location: Haus der Architektur, Waisenhausstr. 4, 80637 Munich, Germany
"DAHEIM. Bauen und Wohnen in Gemeinschaft" is an exhibition of the German Architecture Museum in Frankfurt (DAM).
Have a look at the project here.
On January 26th and 27th, 2017, the Aachen University's architecture department will host the first architectural conference about "Identity of architecture: the space". 32 architects are invited to present their own projects and to discuss on: "How the built architecture behaves in the context?". zanderroth are also present and will present the residential building at Christinenstraße 39, Berlin.
Lecture zanderrotharchitekten
Friday, January 27, 2017, 11:40am
RWTH Aachen
Faculty of Architecture
Foyer of the Reiffmuseum
Schinkelstraße 1
52062 Aachen
Have a look at the project here.
Have a look at the conference here.
The international planning and consulting firm BuroHappold Engineering invited Christian Roth from zanderroth as well as 40 other experts, such as planning experts from the field of technology, politics, electric mobility, Internet service, representatives of automobile manufacturers and many more to a joint workshop under the title of "Design-Sprint" at the Euref-Campus in Berlin.
Around the topic of autonomous vehicles and urban areas, the following questions were discussed in ideas workshops: What effects will autonomous vehicles have on our urban areas? What opportunities and design possibilities arise? How can we develop jointly and interdisciplinary solutions that make our cities even more viable?
Todays lecture will host Sascha Zander from zanderrotharchitekten who will present the "Strategies in Residential Architecture" at the HTWK, Leipzig.
Lecture: Wednesday, January, 18th 2017, 7pm
HTWK Leipzig, Karl-Liebknecht-Strasse 132, Audimax (G 329)
Note: Sascha Zander is going to replace Christian Roth.
Wohnen. Urban und gemeinschaftlich
Herausgegeben von Kristina Foer
Deutscher Architektur Verlag
Münster, 2016
Have a look at the project here.
"More apartments are currently constructed in Melbourne than detached houses – but how can we account for their quality? Using the ‘Baugruppen’ of Berlin as inspiration, Katherine Sundermann considers a paradigm shift towards involving residents in the development of their homes, adding prospects of affordability, quality and self-expression to future multi-residential projects."...
Have a look at the article here.
zanderroth are winning the 3rd price in the competition "Stargarder Hof" in Ingolstadt, Germany with herrburg Landschaftsarchitekten.
Todays Lunch Lecture will host Christian Roth from zanderrotharchitekten who will present the "Strategies in Residential Architecture" at the School of Architecture in Bremen, German
Wednesday, November 9th 2016, 1pm
School of Architecture Bremen, Neustadtswall 30, 28199 Bremen, Germany
Exhibition "DAHEIM. Bauen und Wohnen in Gemeinschaft"
September, 23th 2016 until January, 21st 2017
vai Vorarlberger Architektur Institut
Dornbirn, Austria
The shell of both building blocks of the current building project at Schmollerplatz is finished. All residential units will be ready for occupancy within the next year.
Have a look at the project here.
A portrait of the german magazine Focus Spezial and the architecture magazine Baumeister highlights the work of Sascha Zander and Christian Roth from the office zanderroth and shows a project selection from 17 years of work. zanderrotharchitekten are also listed among the 300 best architectural firms in Germany in the category "new residential buildings".
"For quite some time, they have come up with ambitious, yet cost-effective residential buildings: zanderrotharchitekten is a new type of project developer - the office is passionate about building concepts."
(Eva Hermann, Focus Special, Munich, issue Oct. | Nov. 2016)
The German Design Award is the international award of the German Design Council. His goal:
unique design trends. Each year, top-class submissions from product and communication design are awarded, all of which are groundbreaking in the international design scene.
The predicate "Special Mention" honors also architectural projects - in 2016 the project cb19 - new development of two residential buildings, Berlin - whose design has particularly successful aspects and solutions.
Have a look at the project here.
Have a look at the award here.
On behalf of the Oslo Planning and Building Authority Christian Roth und Sascha Zander from zanderrotharchitekten are invited to give a presentation at the City of Oslo Architecture Award 2016 ceremony. Thank you for the invitation and congratulations to the office of CODE:Arkitekur for their price!
More about the Arkitekturpis 2016 Oslo here.
"How do we want to live in the future?" This and many more questions are the key topics at the symposium Synchronicity.Berlin, where Sascha Zander, other five experts and 35 guests are developing concepts about "Living and working in the future neighbourhood".
See the programm here.
September, 22th and 23th, 2016
The Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung features our project "BigYard" in
Zelterstraße 5, Berlin - one of the successful residential joint building ventures.
Sascha Zander from zanderroth will speak on Wednesday, September 14th, 2016 at 7pm about the different strategies and parameters at residential housing at the Architekturforum Passau.
Wednesday, September 14th, 2016, 7pm
Museum Moderner Kunst
Bräugasse 17
94032 Passau
The Central Magazin 02/16 shows tendencies and trends in new forms of living in Germany. The project ze05 in Zelterstrasse, Berlin from zanderrotharchitekten is also presented here and "an example of how exciting and innovating residential housing can be".
(text: Christiane Kolb, pictures: Marco Grundt)
More informations about the project here.
"Presenting Berlin’s Biggest Joint Building Venture Project by zanderroth architekten."
See the article here.
Have a look at the project here.
A selection of projects featured on Afasia Archzine: wa17, cb19, ch39 ze05 and sc11. Have a look here.
"Architektur der Hauptstadt. Berlin ist nicht Bilbao. Leben statt Spektakel: Die Highlights der hauptstädtischen Architektur finden sich in Seitenstraßen Berlins."
(Falk Jaeger im Tagesspiegel, August 2016.)
See the article here.
See the project here.
zanderroth suchen ab 01.09.2016 eine/n engagierte/n Praktikant/in für mindestens 6 Monate (Vollzeit) zur Mitarbeit an interessanten Projekten im Bereich Wohnungsbau.
Sie haben Ihren Bachelor schon absolviert und verfügen idealerweise über gute Kenntnisse in VectorWorks, Photoshop/ Indesign, Sketchup. Deutsche Sprachkenntnisse Lernstufe C1 werden gewünscht.
Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Bewerbung mit Arbeitsproben per E-Mail an: schuelke@zanderroth.de
zanderrotharchitekten are winning the 1st price in the "Europacity Riverside Berlin" competition with herrburg Landschaftsarchitekten!
zanderroth are winning the 2nd price in the competition "Europacity Riverside Berlin" with herrburg Landschaftsarchitekten!
zanderroth receive the award "best architects 17" in the category residential housing for the project wa17 - residential building in Waldemarstraße, Berlin.
The jury around Prof. Stephan Birk (Dirk Heilmeyer and Frenzel, Stuttgart), Corinna Menn (Corinna Menn Architekten, Zürich) and Georg Poduschka (PPAG architects, Wien) award again the best architecture projects in Europe. Have a look at the winners here.
Have a glimpse into last sundays Day of Architecture 2016 at our office and the guided tours with Christian Roth from zanderroth architekten through our project in Zelterstraße, Berlin - the BIG YARD. We are happy about the great feedback and more than 300 guests, business partner and friends!
Find the article here.
At this years Day of Architecture 2016 in Berlin zanderroth are opening their studio at Dunckerstraße 63, Berlin-Prenzlauer Berg. We are showing a review of more than 25 projects and having a tour through our project BIG YARD, Zelterstraße 5.
When: Sunday, June, 26th, 2016 / from 2-6pm
Where: Dunckerstraße 63, Berlin-Prenzlauer Berg
When: 3 and 5pm / Tour through housing project BIG YARD, Zelterstraße 05 (Meeting point: Zelterstraße 5)
Find the program here: Tag der Architektur 2016
On May 31th, 2016 Sascha Zander from zanderrotharchitekten is part of the conference at The College of Management Academic Studies, Rishon Lezion, Tel Aviv, Israel.
Sascha Zander from zanderrotharchitekten will speak at the Hochschule RheinMain on Wednesday, May 18th, 2016 at 6:30pm about the different strategies and parameters at residential housing!
The lecture starts at 6:30pm and will be at the Hochschule RheinMain, Kurt-Schumacher-Ring 18, Gebäude G, 65197 Wiesbaden. The entrence is free!
Our project cb19 - two new residential buildings at Christburger Strasse 19 in Berlin is nominated for the longlist of DAM Award for Architecture 2017. A selection of 100 buildings is made and will be published in the “Architecture guide Germany” (DOM Publishers) at the Frankfurt Book Fair in October 2016.
Click here for more information about DAM.
Today is the roofing ceremony of the housing project at Pasteurstraße in Berlin.
The design of the four buildings was finished in 2013 and the inauguration is intend to be in 2017.
Christian Roth is part of the annual lecture series "Baufrühstück" of the Architektenkammer in Saarbrücken, Germany and will provide an insight into the work of zanderroth with his lecture "Parameter of residential housing".
April, 15th, 2016 – 11am
Saarmesse, Forum Halle 4
66117 Saarbrücken
zanderroth architekten are part of the annual exhibition "da! Architektur in and from Berlin 2016" at stilwerk, Berlin.
Vernissage: Friday, March 11th, 2016 / 8pm
Place: stilwerk, Berlin, Kantstraße 17, Berlin-Charlottenburg
Exhibition: March, 12th – April, 9th 2016
Opening hours: Mon–Sat 8am–8pm Uhr
Find more about the project here.
Sascha Zander presents a selection of implemented residential housing-projects of zanderroth architekten at the Architekturforum Freiburg.
Thursday, March 10th, 2016 / 8 pm
Architekturforum Freiburg
Guntramstraße 15
79106 Freiburg im Breisgau
More about the project here.
Launch of new building cooperation project with three residential buildings in Berlin-Mitte including 41 residential units and underground parking. Several apartments are still available. If you are interested please follow the link below for more informations.
Project development: www.smarthoming.de
Article: http://www.dezeen.com/
More about the project: http://www.zanderroth.de/de/projekte/cb19/
Article: http://www.afasiaarchzine.com
More about the project: http://www.zanderroth.de/de/projekte/cb19/
Article: http://www.baunetz.de/
More about the project: http://www.zanderroth.de/de/projekte/cb19/
Our „Monohaus“ in Christinenstraße 39, Berlin was published in the new book "The Monocle Guide to Cosy Homes" by gestalten publishers.
The Monocle Guide to Style: Cosy Homes
A Handbook for making a home that will stand the test of time, take knocks and scuffs in its stride - and where lives can unfold, children grow up, and dogs run wild.
By: Monocle
Release Date: September 2015
Format: 20 x 26.5 cm
Features: Full color, hardcover, 402 pages
Language: English
ISBN: 978-3-89955-560-8
find book: http://shop.gestalten.com/cosy-homes.html
More about the project: http://www.zanderroth.de/de/projekte/ch39/
ch39 - Christinenstraße 39
At the weekend the BDA (Association of German Architects) celebrated not only its 100th anniversary, but also the winners of its Berlin Architecture Prize.
zanderroth architekten receive one of four awards for the Monohaus in Christinenstraße 39, Berlin.
More about the winning project: http://www.zanderroth.de/en/projekte/ch39/
cb19 - Our new building in Berlin-Prenzlauer Berg has been awarded with the label "best architects 16" in this years competition, which had been opened up to the entire European region.
More about the winning project: http://www.zanderroth.de/de/projekte/cb19/
How can housing be of high architecture quality, efficient but low cost at the same time? The Federal Ministry for Environment, Nature Conservation, Construction and Nuclear Safety –BMUB- and the Federal Chamber of Architects in cooperation with DETAIL magazine will examine this issue on 16th of April 2015 at the Axica Convention Center in Berlin.
At 3:15pm Christian Roth gives a lecture on "Strategies in Housing". The lecture will be held in German.
Location: Axica convention center in the house of DZ Bank,
Pariser Platz 3, 10117 Berlin
Date: April 16, 2015, 10:30am until 05:00pm
Unfortunately, the event is already fully booked!
zanderroth architekten have been selected for the exhibition "da! Architecture in and from Berlin“. The 16th annual exhibition of the Berlin Chamber of Architects shows a wide range of selected projects. It presents 65 projects by members of the Berlin Chamber of Architects, which were completed between Summer 2013 and Summer 2014 in Berlin and elsewhere. There are works from the fields of architecture, interior design, landscape architecture and urban planning.
The selection has been composed by a curatorship of seven professionals:
Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Heiko Lukas, architect, Saarbrücken, Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Ulrike Lauber, architect, Munich, Ing. Ir. Pim Köther, architect, Amsterdam, Dipl.-Ing. Johann Haidn, interior designer Munich, Dipl.-Ing. Heiner Luz, landscape architect, Munich, Dipl.-Ing. Juliane Schonauer, urban planner, Hannover, Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang Bachmann, Journalist, former editor in chief of Baumeister magazine, Munich.
Accompanying to the exhibition the yearbook ARCHITECTURE BERLIN, Vol. 4 will be published presenting the exhibited projects.
Exhibition: March 21 until April 18, 2015
Opening: March 20, 2015, 8:00pm.
Location: stilwerk Berlin, Kantstraße 17, 10623 Berlin
Opening times: Monday to Saturday, from 8:00am to 8:00pm
zanderroth won the 1st prize of the planning competition for a new residential housing development in ‚Gartenstadt Falkenberg’ in Berlin's Treptow-Koepenick.
‚Gartenstadt Falkenberg’ is located in the southeast of Berlin, surrounded by single family home areas and is perfectly connected to public transport and the national roads. It is no longer part of the city, though no rural area either. There is no local center, to which the settlement would refer, the center is Berlin. It means a living on the countryside with a private garden or direct contact to the gardens and parks.
Guest lecture as part oft he btb1 + gk series - Fundamentals of building construction and building design, Houses 1: Contemporary Housing in Berlin/Reihe Grundlagen der Baukonstruktion und Gebäudekunde Häuser 1, Zeitgenössischer Wohnungsbau in Berlin. Lecture will be held in German.
Time: Thursday, 11.13.2014, 11:30 AM
Location: ZHG Audimax1, Brandenburg University of Technology,
Konrad-Wachsmann-Allee 1, 03046 Cottbus
The new building in Berlin-Mitte has been awarded the label "best architects 15" in this year’s competition.
Christinenstrasse 39, Berlin-Mitte
Habitable monolith made of in-situ cast concrete
"The building is a habitable monolith made of lightweight concrete that integrates itself well into the neighbouring Wilhelminian development. The building’s reduced colours and the structure of individual storeys pick up on elements of the surroundings and also give it a special expression that highlights the mass of the building material used. With its large-scale glazing, the residential building confidently contrasts with the environment’s serial punch windows."
The apartment building with a load-bearing, lightweight concrete façade particularly impressed with its successful integration into the existing context, while also having a modern exterior expression. The building material of lightweight concrete forms the load-bearing structure, insulation and weather resistance barrier, giving the building its design quality through the consistently appropriate handling of the material.
When: 29.4.2014, 18:00
Where: Hörsaal PK 4.7 / TU-Altgebäude
Technische Universität Braunschweig
zanderroth with herrburg Landschaftsarchitekten have won a two-stage, open-concept workshop competition with their “modern village”. STADT UND LAND Wohnbauten-Gesellschaft, one of Berlin’s six municipal housing development associations, is fulfilling its political mandate on the city’s southern perimeter in the district of Treptow-Köpenick to build affordable hosing for a wide range of social classes. From 2015, the project named “Altglienicker Höfe” will develop a new residential neighbourhood in the Altglienicke area with 350 rented apartments and a total floor space of 28,000 square metres.
Young BDA-architects presented at the DAZ Glashaus
On 05.03.2014, the Editor in Chief Andreas Denk and Matthias Böttger, Artistic Director of the latest issues of der architekt present themselves and talk to the architects Christian Roth and Sascha Zander about their work. Drinks afterwards provide time for discussions.
Opens: 05.03.2014, 20:00
06.03.2014 - 17.04.2014
Where: DAZ Glashaus, Köpenicker Strasse 48/49, Berlin-Mitte
High quality – Affordable housing costs. On 19.2.2014, prizes for the Deutsche Bauherrenpreis 2014 were awarded in the category “New Construction”.
Christinenstrasse 39, Berlin-Mitte. 55 cm lightweight concrete – Evidence of an architectural solution in the debate on structural heat insulation.