
New development of a residential building
Adalbertstrasse 41, Berlin-Mitte

The building in Adalbertstrasse is the prototypical execution of a residential development that is organised as a two-winged building. The pinch points of the construction and installation were minimised to make a highly diverse range of apartment arrangements possible. The individuality is held together by the façade and its expression towards the outside world. The large open areas and the openness of the façade make the building contribute to life on the street in a vertical sense and integrate it well into the surroundings. Despite the economic demands of a privately financed residential building, the very simple standard structure using Isokorb components made it possible to build a fair-faced concrete façade.

Planning/Realization: 2008-2013
Construction phases: 1-8
Residential units: 13
Living space:1,635 sqm

Project development: SmartHoming GmbH, Berlin

Stadt im Wandel - Stadt der Ideen 2013, Plattform Nachwuchs Architekten, Anerkennung

Project photos: Simon Menges, Berlin